Memento mori
Last night I had a nightmare that was particularly unpleasant because of its realistic nature. Some people say that if you die in a dream, it's because your other self has just done it, and not in a good way precisely, in one of the many parallel universes. In my dream, I found myself entering a cold, damp, and dark passageway reminiscent of those in the Citadel of Pamplona, which were once used to redirect soldiers towards the city fortress. After passing through the gate, I discovered a small snowy courtyard that led to a plateau. Surrounding the plateau was a wall that had been destroyed by some bombardment, and sandbags were haphazardly piled on it as a makeshift defense. As soon as I stepped into the courtyard, I noticed a Slavic-looking woman sitting and talking with her two daughters, completely ignoring my presence. Shortly after, I ascended the plateau and entered a military barracks where several people were paying their respects to bodies lying face...