
There is no greater impulse to act without any filters than hunger and desperation. The world is better today than before thanks to technology and innovation, but 800 million people still suffer from hunger. Going where there are more job opportunities and well-being, far from the hellish conditions they live in, has been and will continue to be a survival doctrine within human migrations.

In today's world, there is no comparison to the freedom and standard of living that the West offers, which is why it is the goal for most immigrants, especially Africans heading to Europe, and Latin Americans to the US and Canada due to their geographical proximity. Japan is far away, and even more so, Australia.

The comfort and high expectations of life in these Western countries, combined with better education and human rights, have led individual development to take precedence over long-term family plans. In other words, in developed societies, there has been a reduction in the number of children, as being a parent limits the ideal of who you want to be in this world. The environment has been exceptional for this: constant and high-quality education to secure a job better than our parents and grandparents, but... it never comes in time to afford a home for the future family. Yes, too many expectations before the age of 30. The result has been the germ of a frustrated society, where some emigrate due to their refusal to give up on their dreams, uprooting themselves from their home country and culture, while others stay and accept their fate. In any case, the majority feels that they are too late to achieve what they had in mind or what was expected of them, having had everything (hence, no excuses for professional success). Meanwhile, the internet has surged strongly, along with the development of multimedia applications that make the world increasingly connected, smaller. While Western societies remain anesthetized through countless leisure and entertainment options, the rest of the world watches with enthusiasm at the life improvement opportunities that seem to be offered.

To this new kind of opium or soma in the West, stemming from having filled the stomach decades ago, a period of peace is added, further numbing a society that has forgotten the bellicose history of their country, which shaped their borders and freedoms. In a world of peace, comfort, and individualism, God is no longer necessary for many, as they rely on themselves. Death is something distant and negative because without God, we return to nothingness, and so we must enjoy life to the fullest. Anything goes if it makes me feel good. We did not come here to suffer in this one life.

Thus, developed societies have gradually fragmented, and their individuals are more than ever subject to the emotions that make them feel good or bad when making decisions. Directed or not, the fact is that such a society is perfect to be manipulated, as it consists of less educated and rational masses who do not question or act accordingly because, by the way, there is no more transcendent goal than individual well-being. 

However, this is not the case for the rest of the world, which is predominantly poor and arrives tuned day by day on the shores of the West. The perfect cocktail to enrich those elites who take advantage of the consumer appetite of Westerners and of cheap labor. The low birth rate of Westerners, largely due to everything described above, combined with a widespread detachment from their culture and values, has resulted in an increasingly large portion of their society being of a diametrically opposed origin and culture. The countless efforts from host countries to integrate both worlds have shown that it's like trying to mix oil and water. Condescending social policies that do not encourage true integration through work but rather through life-sustaining aid if one knows the system; self-flagellation, guilt... and, consequently, permissiveness and even omission in the media of crimes if they come from foreigners, because it's not their fault but ours; interracial advertisements, quasi-deification in TV series and movies, and through a myriad of mechanisms to avoid even discussing the problem in the streets and the shift in local identity brought by overwhelming immigration. It seems that multiculturalism must be good and necessary per se.


War against the white man in the West. I wonder if the purpose of 'diverse' advertising is to sell more products, or truly to indoctrinate, condition, and signal how 'progressive' one is. But, for what?

Although it may sound trivial, even architectural and artistic styles have become more neutral and cold to avoid emotional biases in a portion of the population since we are all potential buyers but also potentially offensive to an individual or group. A person's identity is primarily shaped in relation to their origin and culture, and integration becomes more difficult the more different they are from the host country, with those more similar grouping together and creating a parallel society. Yes, ghettos that evolve into no-go zones.

What will happen when these two worlds collide?

Multiculturalism is sold to us as something good and enriching through every possible means, but it is not when it arises from shattered dreams adrift at sea, enriching human traffickers, elites seeking cheap labor, or the opportunity to gradually impose the culture of origin through long-term geopolitical strategies. The latter will ultimately erase the identity of a people and, consequently, of its individuals. Preserving our identity allows future generations to maintain a connection to their roots and a sense of belonging and community. For individuals, feeling that we are part of a group with a shared identity can be a source of emotional and social support, and an antidote to the fragmentation and consumerist dependence through manipulation that we are experiencing.

We need to put this problem on the table. We should forget about slavery and colonialism and stop giving handouts in the form of aid. What lifts people out of poverty is work, preferably in their place of origin. Because giving money is not a solution; it's merely a way to hide a problem. When the aid ends, poverty and crime return, especially in a culture and place vastly different from your own, one that has been portrayed as an enemy due to race, religion, or history. Instead, through education and employment, people acquire skills that make them self-sufficient. This is what China is doing, for instance, by building infrastructure in countries like Ethiopia, Ghana, and Rwanda, while shifting their manufacturing production to these countries. The benefit is mutual, as China reduces production costs, sells at lower prices, and, therefore, sells more, while African countries receive jobs and investments in ports, roads, and airports, adding value to the nation and making them more competitive. This solves the problem in the long term, instead of relying on donations to ease consciences.
But do you know why this won't happen? Because developed countries aren't interested in Africa's prosperity. Due to the continent's immense population, they could produce essential goods at lower prices and create new competition for these countries. It's preferable to have cheap labor here in Europe and the US, but the locals are neither sufficient nor willing to step out of the bubble in which they've been raised. However, they can at least serve to be condescending, tolerant, and to attract, through the media, that semi-slave bait that also increases birth rates. In parallel, these same countries send subsidies to the leaders of African countries to keep things under control, while they distribute the money and the population continues to increase exponentially and flee northward...

The New Europeans. Do you think they consider themselves as such? Do they identify with the history and culture of Europe? Does a nationality certificate shape a person's identity?




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